Drew Estate enters the 4 x 32 Segment with Innovative Products, Merchandising, and Retailer Programs
Miami, FL- Drew Estate debuts new initiative to its complete brand portfolio with a series of 4×32 products in 10-count tins to be displayed in Drew Estate’s booth (Booth #2608) at the IPCPR Convention and Tradeshow, held July 10 – 14, 2017 in Las Vegas, Nevada.
The 4×32 initiative debuts for the following brands:
ACID Krush Blue Connecticut (4×32) MSRP $110.00/50ct Sleeve
ACID Krush Red Cameroon (4×32) MSRP $110.00/50ct Sleeve
ACID Krush Gold Sumatra (4×32) MSRP $110.00/50ct Sleeve
ACID Krush Morado Maduro (4×32) MSRP $110.00/50ct Sleeve
ACID Krush Candela (4×32) MSRP $110.00/50ct Sleeve
Liga Privada No. 9 “Coronet” (4×32) MSRP $125.00/50ct Sleeve (DDRP Exclusive)
Liga Privada T52 “Coronet” (4×32) MSRP $125.00/50ct Sleeve (DDRP Exclusive)
Tabak Especial “Cafecita Dulce” (4×32) MSRP $110.00/50ct Sleeve
Tabak Especial “Cafecita Negra” (4×32) MSRP $110.00/50ct Sleeve
Undercrown Maduro “Coronet” (4×32) MSRP $110.00/50ct Sleeve
Undercrown Shade “Coronet” (4×32) MSRP $110.00/50ct Sleeve
Herrera Estelí “Club” (4×32) MSRP $110.00/50ct Sleeve
Herrera Estelí Norteño “Club” (4×32) MSRP $110.00/50ct Sleeve
Kentucky Fire Cured “Ponies” (4×32) MSRP $110.00/50ct Sleeve
Larutan “Dirties” (4×32) MSRP $110.00/50ct Sleeve
If you’ve lived in New York City than you are familiar with the Water Towers gracing the top of nearly every building. They are a fixture to the skyline, but often overlooked by visitors but are an optical canvas for many urban artists making their mark on the world. Escaping to the rooftops for a quick smoke under a water tower is in our DNA, away from prying eyes and with a view that is worth a trillion bucks.
Drew Estate created a 6-foot tall Water Tower retail merchandising display with a limited initial production run of 250 units. The custom display has configurable wire racks designed to hold 27 sleeves of 4×32 tins. The Drew Estate Water Tower is modular and allows retailers flexibility in displaying options and placement. It also features storage underneath for additional inventory. In addition, Drew Estate created two options of custom countertop display, which holds nine sleeves of 4×32 tins.
From his Wynwood Safehouse, Jonathan Drew Founder and President of Drew Estate, “I remember looking out at the skyline of New York when we were based in DUMBO Brooklyn and seeing the Water Towers, something so constant in my daily life, yet so overlooked. I presented to the Drew Estate Marketing Team the concept of creating today’s modern day wooden indian to disrupt the typical tin racks behind the counter and provide the brick & mortar retailer an additional point of visibility for a high velocity product.”
In addition to these merchandising solutions, Drew Estate is unveiling the Drew Estate 4×32 Rebate Program to Retailers across the United States. Qualifying retailers have the opportunity to receive an annual incentive rebate on all 4×32 direct purchases provided they meet facing and volume requirements. This rebate is in addition to the annual rebate that Drew Diplomat Retailers receive on 4 x 32 products.