Roses and Rats on CigarAficionado.com!
Jack Bettridge from Cigar Aficionado featured Four Roses Elliott’s Select Barrel Strength and the Liga Privada Unico Serie Dirty Rat this week on Cigar Aficionado’s Website. Here is what he had to say about the pairing, “A near-black petit corona whose lush draw delivers a chewy, medium- to full-bodied smoke full of licorice and sugary notes before an earthy finish. We looked to the like spiciness of the components to push this pairing, but it was really the whiskey’s sweetness that made it sing. The Four Roses brought out the welcome sugary quality on the Liga Privada even earlier—making it less of the Dirty Rat than the name implies. The cigar gave up some of it earthiness quickly to the deal, giving the whiskey an even more well-rounded quality.” For the full article head to http://www.cigaraficionado.com/webfeatures/show/id/cigar-pairing-four-roses-elliotts-select-barrel-strength-bourbon-18819 – What are you pairing with your Rats?